9THE NKG CODE OF CONDUCT MESSAGE FROM DAVID M NEUMANN David M Neumann Managing Partner As a result of these external facts and developments we feel the need to set down essential parts of our corporate identity in writing While NKG has always throug hout its entire history and in all its dealings been guided by decency common sense and a high degree of respect and ethical behavior today we also need to communicate this to a growing number of new colleagues a variety of contacts and stakeholders and other outside parties The NKG Code of Conduct provides us with best practices for compliant and responsible business conduct in accordance with our ethical standards and applicable laws and regulations It reflects our NKG core values and inspires excellence in the workplace by setting forth our Group s mission and beliefs on what we consider ethical or unethical At the same time it defines the correct procedures for confidential reporting of infringements The NKG Code of Conduct has been formulated and consequently adopted by the shareholders supervisory board and management of NG in order to enable us to uphold our commitment to integrity in our work

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