7THE NKG CODE OF CONDUCT MESSAGE FROM DAVID M NEUMANN NKG enjoys dynamic and thriving business lines in the countries and fields it ope rates in In our areas of expertise within the coffee supply chain we are the best and growing team of green coffee experts from all kinds of professional natio nal ethnic and cultural backgrounds with all sorts of beliefs and values We take pride in our diversity it is an enormous asset There are many reasons for our success and for the fact that this success has lasted so long and withstood so many different challenges Decades of commer cial activity related to green coffee the dynamism and development have been tremendous and we are very proud of the fact that though constantly facing challenges we have maintained our position as world market leader for over 25 years To do this we have had to show flexibility creativity and entrepreneur ship every day and to be able to do that we rely on a strong set of ethics and beliefs and a clear perception of where we stand and what our functions are within the world of coffee We are well aware that though our product is not a commodity and can be a wonderful enrichment in people s lives We understand that for the consumer to continue to be able to obtain the important affordable luxury and comfort of coffee the producer has to be able to make a sustainable livelihood from her or his labor There are billions of consumers and many millions of producers In dustries big and small and the interests of entire countries are at stake We understand and do not overestimate ourselves and our role in this chain We do not create the market but we endeavor to understand and serve the varied interests and possibilities of everyone involved in coffee as best we can We aim to gain the loyalty of our customers and suppliers we aim for loyalty amongst the companies of NKG and colleagues We are loyal to those who treat us justly and under the banner of this loyalty and humility we will compete fiercely fairly and respectfully

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