21 THE NKG CODE OF CONDUCT OUR COMMITMENTS Farming To properly behave in the case of an emergency you must familia rize yourself with all instructions concerning first aid emergency action plans and fire prevention plans Beyond that activities for the prevention of diseases like vaccination personal hygiene and nutrition campaigns are promoted depending on the issue in question All farm workers and their families shall have guaranteed access to the health service An up to date medical record shall exist for each individual on the farm Fair basic employment conditions As a company active all over the world we provide our employees with employ ment conditions and benefits that are equitable for their respective location and type of work Humane hours of work vacation regulations Working hours must comply with applicable labor law and industry standards In any case requiring our employees to regularly exceed the maximum number of working hours per week is not permitted In order to secure satisfactory working results NKG ensures that employees follow the local break regulations All permanent employees are entitled to paid annual leave in accordance with national regulations Adequate compensation Satisfactory work must be remunerated accordingly We agree that every employee has the right to be adequately compensated for making available to us her or his talents and time and working with us to achieve our Group s business objectives Salaries and benefits of permanent employees shall always at least meet the minimum requirement under local and national laws and cover basic needs while also providing some discretionary income NKG guarantees the right of the employee to receive all remuneration in local legal tender Moreover management must make sure that all employees are paid in a timely fashion correctly and in accordance with applicable legal requirements No deductions from contractual wages shall be made for disciplinary purposes Physical and mental well being NKG is committed to pursuing the highest possible health safety and security standards in each workplace Ensuring workplace health and safety NKG implements all necessary programs trainings and internal controls to consis tently promote safe work practices Through these practices we seek to avoid risk to our co workers business partners and communities In order to prevent undue impacts on safety security and health it is important that we familiarize our selves with and follow all relevant health and safety policies and procedures Besides adhering to safety standards workers should report unsafe workplaces or any potential hazards to prevent accidents in the workplace Employees must be updated and trained on applicable health and safety regulations where needed

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