13 THE NKG CODE OF CONDUCT UPHOLDING THE NKG CODE OF CONDUCT of our business partners operate in different cultural legal and practical environ ments and that implementing some of these requirements may be challenging We therefore strongly encourage you to initiate dialogue and engage with us if observing these standards proves difficult In order to ensure its relevance and validity the NKG Code of Conduct will be periodically reviewed and developed The NG Board of Management has estab lished Corporate Responsibility and Compliance departments to accompany the implementation and evolution of this Commitment These departments will also provide appropriate support and guidance to understand and apply these stan dards in daily professional life To facilitate local compliance with the NKG Code of Conduct all NKG companies have nominated a colleague of trust to take on the responsibility of local Compliance Representative this person will work closely together with Corporate Responsibility Compliance in Hamburg What can I do if I learn about or suspect misconduct Although the NKG Code of Conduct addresses potential ethical or legal dilemmas it cannot cover every challenging situation that may occur When facing a difficult situation the document and relevant policies and procedures should be sufficient to guide us However in more complex scenarios further guidance may be necessary Each of us has a responsibility to seek advice All management of NG and NKG is to foster open communication and a speak up culture Please keep in mind that it is your duty as a responsible employee of NKG to report all concerns If you need to point out any situation that may be in breach of the law or NKG s ethical standards this can be done as follows Begin locally First and foremost contact your direct superior as she or he will be able to help resolve questions and concerns in most instances Your local Compliance Representative or local management may be contacted as well If you have raised the issue within your company and you are not satisfied with the answer or in the exceptional case that it is inappropriate to raise the issue locally you may seek the advice of either the Corporate Responsibility or Compliance departments integrity nghh de in Hamburg In each and every case we guarantee that your concern will be treated with the highest degree of confidentiality and respect

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